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kan vi avsluta allt krigande nu bush? börjar antalet döda räcka snart?

jai guru deva om, my love.

to wash up on the shore like a leaf
can you change the world for me?
if you close your eyes tight enough
you can see what i mean

i think i know what i dream
it doesn\'t argue or disagree
every raindrop falling is a part of me
i think i know what i mean

let me hold your hand tighter
tighter than ever before
because i\'m scared for you
i\'m scared of what they do

so i close my eyes and wish
wish the world\'s suffering away
imagine those lips ready for me to kiss
i wish the pain of all those suffering away

living in a parallell universe is easy
wouldn\'t you agree?
the world\'s war is my war
it doesn\'t travel very far

let me take you with me to the fields
you can choose what is real
close your eyes and open your mind
take a puff and see what you can find

jai guru deva om, my love.

Fri vers av st.alice
Läst 467 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-10-01 10:16

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  Poison Ivy
men du, sätter du nån musik till det här? det skulle bli bra, kram gum
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