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loveless boy

blowing away like a leaf in a desert storm
i reach out, but i can\'t hold on
chaos all around me in a dimly lit yard
we went out together, how did you get so far?

we went out on a limb together
we went away on our own together
we stalked the moon at night together
we shared secrets in the dark together

and if i\'m not a girl who misses much,
how do you explain my loss of touch?
crushing skin against skin
it\'s strangely comforting to not feel a thing

you don\'t know what love is
how could you?
you don\'t know what truth is
how could you?
you don\'t know what trust is
how could you?
you never had any of this

you\'re a loveless boy, my love
take the bullet and slowly insert it
you\'re a loveless boy, my love
take the noose, now pull it.

Fri vers av st.alice
Läst 474 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2007-10-21 02:13

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