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Because there\'s no originality left in California!

Hey hey hey they smoke weed every day
I can\'t put it down in words but it\'s a O.K.
I try to write something original but it turns out lame
There\'s a fire in every soul, something i can\'t tame

And we spent last night in Isla Vista
California\'s so pretty, you can\'t resist her
The 5-0\'s closing in on you in the bushes
Izzy was tripping and calling a flower luscious

We drove down State Street where music was playing for us
Strumming his guitar, a guy in jeans sang \"I am the Walrus\"
A quick stop at The Natural Café and we\'re done for the day
I get up, i get down, i pick it up, i slow it down

And i spent last night in Jeff\'s bed again
I know it\'s a cliché and nothing i can defend
So here i am trying to rhyme something with California
But like Joe said... there\'s no originality left in California!

Fri vers av st.alice
Läst 422 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2007-10-08 10:32

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