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bara såå ...20090715 00.40

What am I looking for..

Always at midnight
Im sittin here, behind the windows
Im looking outside
Im looking and looking
but where am I
and what am I looking for

Children are playing and laughing
sometimes I wish that I was one of them
A free soul and a peace of mind
Troubles aside and Im living my life proud

I am proud, and I am gratefull
This happiness I found when I looked outside
A childs smile can change your mind
A sad thought would be a happy thought

The best part Is that I have you
here, just here, right beside me
The happy thought Is you In my heart

I dont wanna be a child anymore
you gave my happines back
just when you sat behind me and
whispered: everything is going to be alright

Övriga genrer av Sheyda
Läst 278 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-16 00:37

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