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To be or not to be thats the question
am i confused or just in love
sitting here and tryin to find out who I am

A flying bird, a shining sun, a sleeping cat
am I stupid or just glad
glad to be the one I am

The stupidy Is cuz Im awake
Should sleep but Im insane

Im glad to be the one I am
Im glad to be the one you have

I am Insane cuz you gave me the reason
the reason to fall in love

Im still seeing a flying bird, a shining sun, a sleeping cat
but the most beautiful thing Is your picture In my hand
Your smile, your look, your touch

Im insane, insane and insane

Fri vers av Sheyda
Läst 278 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-17 01:45

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