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One wish..

One wish
I have one wish
I had one wish

Wish that I would grow up
grow up in my mind and my heart

I wish that I could one day grow up
and be strong

That strong that I could handle anything
anything that made me sad
Every little thing in my head that
got stucked in my heart

I wish that I could find strenght
I wish that I could be the one
I always wanted to be

I wish that I had wings
wings to fly away
far away, so far away

but with you by my side
I will never come down
I will fly higher than ever

I will always stay, I will grow up
I will get strong and I will show my self
that I can, not only wish
but grow in my heart

Övriga genrer av Sheyda
Läst 272 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-21 02:09

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Det gör jag redan =) det är tack vare honom jag står där jag står idag =)

Du borde kunna flyga högre än nånsin med honom vid din sida min vän ( lilla syran ) jätte fina ord ...
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