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Stay strong..

I came home from a little trip
I sat down and started to think
where am I
who am I
what am I doing here

Should I stay or should I leave
The fear I have Is something big
That big that I wanna get rid off it

Im sick and tired, not of anyone
but myself, this one I became

This disease aint good for me
its gettin me sad
its making me loose this game

I have to stay strong
I have to win
I have to keep struggle


Cuz I am who I am and I always will
I am here, cuz its here I want to be
What Im doing here, Iam living my life
This life is both good and bad

But If I keep..

staying strong, promise not to leave
This fear will soon disappear
This time Ill became the one I always wanted to be

Övriga genrer av Sheyda
Läst 279 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2009-07-25 01:24

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