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Lite vampire romance sådär.... hehe

The Destiny Of Love

Black tears are running down my cheeks
The darkness embraces my hollow soul
Your white teeth drill in under my pale skin
With a bite of love you give me eternal life

You taste my blood so red and innocent
It drives your senses to madness and satisfaction
You hold me tight to your chest, smell my anxiety
You never let me go from this living dead, content nightmare

I feel the coldness in my heart
When you caress my body with your blind imagination
The glance you give me is like ice and fire, love and desire
Like liberation and fear, heaven and hell
The most beautiful and darkest loving pain

I look at you with hunger in my eyes
Caress your body with my black fingernails
I want it now
It’s so worm and beautiful
Soothe my hunger
Give me life
This is not humanity
This is beauty

Fri vers av Varga
Läst 410 gånger och applåderad av 3 personer
Publicerad 2008-10-03 15:26

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Vackert, men inte "worm" and beautiful hoppas jag....
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