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Timekilling fear

I'm far beyond hope.
The world in front of my eyes begins to blur.
I'm just starin in to thick mist.
I can't see anymore.
The anger and fear is eating me from inside.
My era in this wolrld has come to it's end.
It's time to leave,but I'm afraid to do.
And still I hope to manage it with some pride left to my other life.
But I'm not sure that I can trust myself.

What if I'm to scared for letting go?

Will I stay in this place full of shadows and frozen memories forever?

I don't have any answers left.
And I'll never find out.
I'm all by myself and no one's around.
Searching and trying to hope for something that won't happen.
I'm starting feeling cold.
Cold and empty.
I've begun to fall.
Fall away from my life.
I'm laeving even if I'm not ready...

Fri vers av SilentScreams
Läst 307 gånger och applåderad av 2 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-24 22:09

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