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Stab me in the back

Slit my heart out
Fuck me hard and throw away what's left of me
Never care a bit more about me
Let me just vanish in to the darkness of lost memories

I was vaccant
But you tied me up with your promises
Promises about love and happiness
And what did you give me?

A broken soul with holes like spiderweb
A useless body
And the anger from a broken heart

I'm starving,almost dying in the loss of love
But I won't beg you to take me back
You hurt my pride

I'm fine whithot you
Give me just some time to leak
And Nothing on my outer will say "breakdown"

Fri vers av SilentScreams
Läst 337 gånger och applåderad av 1 personer
Publicerad 2008-11-24 22:18

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