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hated by myselfe

i\'m sick of being lonely
i scream ,i hurt, i cry,
even though all these people are around
i just fuckin\' wish i will die............
i hate myselfe so badly
i wish i could drown in the worlds deepest sea
or fall down the worlds biggest mountein
but all i can do, is going on hating me.........
coz the people that loves me
wants me around
though i think i\'m the biggest looser
they will ever find..................
i don\'t get that they say
that they don\'t want me to die
coz even if i say that i\'m ok
inside i will always cry..............

Fri vers av Jessika M. Holm
Läst 563 gånger
Publicerad 2005-09-24 23:55

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Jessika M. Holm
Jessika M. Holm